LGF Document System
Exports Usage

LGF Document System

The LGF Document System allows for the management and issuance of various licenses in a FiveM server, with support for job-restricted access and inventory integration. Below are the available exports and examples of how to use them.

CreateDocument (server)

  • Creates a document for a player based on document type.
---@param docType string
---@param playerId number
---@return boolean | string
exports.LGF_DocumentSystem:CreateDocument(docType, playerId)


  • docType (string): Type of document to create (must match a defined type).
  • playerId (number): The target player's server ID.

Example Usage

local success, message = exports.LGF_DocumentSystem:CreateDocument("license_id", 1)
if success then
    print("Document created successfully!")
    print("Error creating document:", message)

GetAllCards (server)

Returns all ID cards saved in the system.

---@return table

Example Usage

local cards = exports.LGF_DocumentSystem:GetAllCards()
for _, card in pairs(cards) do
    print(card.Name, card.IdCard)

HasDocumentOfType (client)

  • Checks if the player has a specific type of document.
---@param docType string
---@return boolean

Example Usage

local hasID = exports.LGF_DocumentSystem:HasDocumentOfType("license_id")
if hasID then
    print("Player has an ID card.")
    print("Player does not have an ID card.")

OpenDocument (client)

  • Opens the document UI for a player with specific parameters. This is useful for displaying player-specific documents, such as ID cards or licenses. The UI will be customized based on the input data you provide.
---@param state boolean
---@param data table
exports.LGF_DocumentSystem:OpenDocument(state, data)


  • state (boolean): true to open the document UI, false to close it.
  • data (table): A table containing the document's details.
NamestringThe first name of the individual.
SurnamestringThe last name of the individual.
SexstringThe gender of the individual (e.g., "Male", "Female").
DobstringThe date of birth in the format "DD/MM/YYYY".
AvatarstringBase64-encoded string or URL of the individual's avatar image.
IdCardstringA unique identifier for the document (e.g., "#A0A0A0").
ExpirationstringThe expiration date of the document in the format "DD/MM/YYYY".
TypeDocsstringThe type of document (e.g., "license_id"). This must match existing types.
ReleasedstringThe release date of the document in the format "DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM".

Example Usage

local keybind = lib.addKeybind({
    name = 'dwadwada',
    description = 'press k To Toggle Document',
    defaultKey = 'K',
    onPressed = function(self)
    -- Check if the Document is already opened
        local isOpened = exports.LGF_DocumentSystem:GetStateDocumentUI()
        if isOpened then
        -- If is opened close the document
            exports.LGF_DocumentSystem:OpenDocument(false, {})
        -- Retrieve the mugshot whit  MugShotBase64 and use it
            local Mugshot = exports["MugShotBase64"]:GetMugShotBase64(cache.ped, true)
            exports.LGF_DocumentSystem:OpenDocument(true, {
                Name = "Entino",
                Surname = "Calogero",
                Sex = "Male",
                Dob = "02/12/1998",
                Avatar = Mugshot,
                IdCard = ("#%s"):format(lib.string.random("A0A0A0", 6)),
                Expiration = "02/01/2026",
                TypeDocs = "license_id",
                Released = "25/09/2021 21:06",

Get State Ui

  • Check the state of the UI, return true if is opened otherwise false.
---@return boolean

Example Usage

local isOpened = exports.LGF_DocumentSystem:GetStateDocumentUI()
if isOpened then
    print(("Is Opened is %s"):format(isOpened))
    print(("Is Opened is %s"):format(isOpened))