LGF Document System
The LGF Document System allows for the management and issuance of various licenses in a FiveM server, with support for job-restricted
access and inventory integration. Below are the available exports and examples of how to use them.
CreateDocument (server)
- Creates a document for a player based on
document type
---@param docType string
---@param playerId number
---@return boolean | string
exports.LGF_DocumentSystem:CreateDocument(docType, playerId)
(string): Type of document to create(must match a defined type)
(number): The target player's server ID.
Example Usage
local success, message = exports.LGF_DocumentSystem:CreateDocument("license_id", 1)
if success then
print("Document created successfully!")
print("Error creating document:", message)
GetAllCards (server)
Returns all ID cards
saved in the system.
---@return table
Example Usage
local cards = exports.LGF_DocumentSystem:GetAllCards()
for _, card in pairs(cards) do
print(card.Name, card.IdCard)
HasDocumentOfType (client)
- Checks if the player has a specific
type of document
---@param docType string
---@return boolean
Example Usage
local hasID = exports.LGF_DocumentSystem:HasDocumentOfType("license_id")
if hasID then
print("Player has an ID card.")
print("Player does not have an ID card.")
OpenDocument (client)
- Opens the document UI for a player with specific parameters. This is useful for displaying player-specific documents, such as
ID cards
. The UI will be customized based on the inputdata
you provide.
---@param state boolean
---@param data table
exports.LGF_DocumentSystem:OpenDocument(state, data)
(boolean): true to open the document UI, false to close it.data
(table): A table containing the document's details.
Key | Type | Description |
Name | string | The first name of the individual. |
Surname | string | The last name of the individual. |
Sex | string | The gender of the individual (e.g., "Male", "Female"). |
Dob | string | The date of birth in the format "DD/MM/YYYY". |
Avatar | string | Base64-encoded string or URL of the individual's avatar image. |
IdCard | string | A unique identifier for the document (e.g., "#A0A0A0"). |
Expiration | string | The expiration date of the document in the format "DD/MM/YYYY". |
TypeDocs | string | The type of document (e.g., "license_id"). This must match existing types. |
Released | string | The release date of the document in the format "DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM". |
Example Usage
local keybind = lib.addKeybind({
name = 'dwadwada',
description = 'press k To Toggle Document',
defaultKey = 'K',
onPressed = function(self)
-- Check if the Document is already opened
local isOpened = exports.LGF_DocumentSystem:GetStateDocumentUI()
if isOpened then
-- If is opened close the document
exports.LGF_DocumentSystem:OpenDocument(false, {})
-- Retrieve the mugshot whit MugShotBase64 and use it
local Mugshot = exports["MugShotBase64"]:GetMugShotBase64(cache.ped, true)
exports.LGF_DocumentSystem:OpenDocument(true, {
Name = "Entino",
Surname = "Calogero",
Sex = "Male",
Dob = "02/12/1998",
Avatar = Mugshot,
IdCard = ("#%s"):format(lib.string.random("A0A0A0", 6)),
Expiration = "02/01/2026",
TypeDocs = "license_id",
Released = "25/09/2021 21:06",
Get State Ui
- Check the
of the UI, return true if is opened otherwise false.
---@return boolean
Example Usage
local isOpened = exports.LGF_DocumentSystem:GetStateDocumentUI()
if isOpened then
print(("Is Opened is %s"):format(isOpened))
print(("Is Opened is %s"):format(isOpened))