LGF Inventory
Setup Convar

ConVars Setup

This document explains the configuration variables (ConVars) used to set up the inventory system. These ConVars allow for customization on the shared, client, and server context.

Shared ConVars

These are global settings applied across all players and instances of the inventory system.

--Maximum number of inventory slots each player can have
setr lgf_inventory:maxSlotInv 50
--Maximum weight a player can carry in their inventory
setr lgf_inventory:maxInvWeight 40
--Enable debug mode (1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled)
setr lgf_inventory:enableDebug 1
--Enable random item drops in trunks (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
setr lgf_inventory:randomDropTrunks 1
--Enable random item drops in dumpsters (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
setr lgf_inventory:randomDropDumpsters 1
--Max Weight For Single Drop
setr lgf_inventory:maxDropWheight 20

Client ConVars

These settings affect the individual player's client, such as keybindings, UI preferences, and visual effects.

--Enable screen blur effect (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
setr lgf_inventory:screenBlur 1
--Model for dropped items
setr lgf_inventory:dropModel "hei_p_f_bag_var6_bus_s"
--Show item sprite on dropped items (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
setr lgf_inventory:enableSpriteDrop 1
--Keybind for hotbar toggle
setr lgf_inventory:hotbarKey "f9"
--Keybind for inventory toggle
setr lgf_inventory:inventoryKey "f3"
--Enable Ammo Charger DUI (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
setr lgf_inventory:enableAmmoChargerDui 1

Server ConVars

These settings control server-side features, such as how often inventory data is saved. They allow the server to adjust performance and backend features.

--Inventory data save interval in seconds
set lgf_inventory:save_interval 300
--Enable  double license check for inventory system (1 = Yes, 0 = No)
set lgf_inventory:enableLicenseCheck 1