LGF Utility

Common Replace

This documentation covers the utility functions provided by the LGF_Utility module. Below you'll find descriptions of the exports available.

Here you will find all the common usable substitutes.


This documentation is intended for developers looking to interact with in-game entities using LGF_Utility. Make sure to follow the examples closely for best results.

Entity Common


CreateEntityPed spawns a new pedestrian in the game world based on the provided data. This includes specifying the model, position, orientation and other properties of the pedestrian.

---@param data table
---@field model string
---@field position vector4
---@field scenario string|nil
---@field freeze boolean
---@field isNetworked boolean
---@field invincible boolean
---@field blockingEvents boolean
---@return PedEntity


CreateEntityObject allows you to spawn a specific object in the game, such as a prop or any other static entity. You can define its model and where it should be placed in the game world.

---@param data table
---@field model string
---@field position vector3
---@field isNetworked boolean
---@field freeze boolean
---@return ObjectEntity


CreateEntityVehicle spawns a vehicle based on the specified data, including the model type, position,direction and other property. This is useful for creating drivable or static vehicles in the game environment.

---@param data table
---@field model string
---@field position vector4
---@field isNetworked boolean
---@field seatPed boolean
---@field seat number
---@field freeze boolean
---@field onCreated function
---@return VehicleEntity


GetAllEntityPed returns an array containing all pedestrian entities that have been created using the CreateEntityPed function. This can be useful for managing or iterating over all peds currently in the game.

---@return Coords | number
---@return EntityHandle | number
---@return EntityHash | string? | number
---@return NetID | number
---@return Created | boolean
---@return PedEntity[]


GetAllEntityObjects provides an array of all objects created using the CreateEntityObject function. This is helpful for tracking or modifying objects in the game.

---@return Coords | number
---@return EntityHandle | number
---@return EntityHash | string? | number
---@return NetID | number
---@return Created | boolean
---@return ObjectEntity[]


GetAllEntityVehicles returns an array of all vehicles that have been spawned using the CreateEntityVehicle function. You can use this to manage or interact with all vehicles in the game.

---@return Coords | number
---@return EntityHandle | number
---@return EntityHash | string? | number
---@return NetID | number
---@return Created | boolean
---@return VehicleEntity[]

You will only get the entities registered by the common/function related to LGF_Utility.

Callback Common


Server callbacks handle interactions from the client side, allowing you to send requests and process responses on the server.


RegisterServerCallback allows you to register a callback function on the server that can be triggered by the client. This is useful for handling client requests and sending responses back to the client.

---@param name string
---@param cbfunc function
exports["LGF_Utility"]:RegisterServerCallback(name, cbfunc)


TriggerServerCallback is used to send a request from the client to the server and receive a response through a callback. This is useful for performing server-side operations and getting the results back on the client.

---@param name string
---@param ... ?
---@return value | string | string[] | table
exports["LGF_Utility"]:TriggerServerCallback(name, ...)

Utility Common


RequestEntityModel requests and loads a model into memory, ensuring it is available for use in creating entities. The function checks if the model exists, and if it does, waits until the model is fully loaded or a timeout occurs

---@param model string
---@param timeout number
---@return cb boolean
---@return model string
exports["LGF_Utility"]:RequestEntityModel(model, timeout)