LGF Interaction

LGF Interaction System

The LGF Interaction System is a DUI Handler designed to facilitate dynamic interactions with various in-game entities, including pedestrians, vehicles, and models. Built on the DUI (Draw User Interface) system, it provides a seamless way for players to interact with the game world through a user-friendly interface.


  • data (table): A table containing the details for the interaction, including coordinates and the actions available.

  • Coords (vector4): The coordinates where the interaction will take place.

  • OffsetCoords (vector3): (Optional) Additional offset for the interaction coordinates.

  • DataBind (table): Defines the action items available for the interaction.

  • distance (number): (Optional) The maximum distance for the interaction to be triggered. Default is 15.

  • closest (number): (Optional) The minimum distance to use the interaction options. Default is 5.0.

  • onEnter (function): (Optional) A function triggered when entering the interaction zone.

  • onExit (function): (Optional) A function triggered when exiting the interaction zone.

  • nearby (function): (Optional) A function triggered while in the interaction zone.

  • debug (boolean): (Optional) Enables debug mode to show visual sphere around the interaction zone.

  • debugColour (table): (Optional) Color settings for debug mode. Expects fields r, g, b, and a.

  • model (string): The model Of the ped to Create (Work only with addInteractionPed).

  • pedID (number/string): The ID of the ped to Create (Work only with addInteractionPed).

DataBind Structure

  • index (number): A unique identifier for the action item.
  • title (string): The display title of the action item.
  • icon (string): The icon associated with the action item.
  • description (string): A short description of what the action item does.
  • onClick (function): A function that defines what happens when the action item is clicked.
  • canInteract: (function) The function to control whether interaction is allowed based on proximity or conditions. Should return
  • image (string): A URL or path to an image associated with the action item.
  • buttonColor (string): The color of the button representing the action item (in hex format).
  • RequestedItem (table): A table defining the items required to perform the action.
    • ItemName (string): The name of the required item.
    • ItemCount (number): The quantity of the required item (default is 1 if not specified).