LGF Utility
Ui Class

Dialog Management Documentation

The Dialog Management System is a feature designed to enable flexible and customizable user interfaces for presenting information and collecting user input in the form of dialogs.


Register Dialog

Use the RegisterDialog function to create a customizable dialog for user interaction.

exports["LGF_Utility"]:RegisterDialog(dialogID, Title,EnableCam, Cards)


  • id: (string)
    A unique identifier for the dialog. This value must be a string and cannot be nil.

  • title: (string)
    The title of the dialog displayed at the top. This value is required.

  • enableCam: (boolean) (optional)
    Indicates whether to enable a custom camera when the dialog is opened. If set to true, the camera will be activated.

  • cards: (table)
    A table containing the details of the dialog cards. Each card should be a table with the following properties:

    • title: (string)
      The title of the card. This value is required.

    • message: (string)
      The message or description associated with the card. This value is required.

    • actionLabel: (string|nil)
      The label for the action button. This value is optional.

    • actionCloseLabel: (string|nil)
      The label for the close action button. This value is optional, with a default value of "Close".

    • onAction: (function|nil)
      Function callback triggered when the action button is pressed. This value is optional.

    • image: (string|nil)
      URL or path to an image to be displayed on the card. This value is optional.

Example of Registering a Dialog

function OpenDialogTest()
        id = 'dialogID', -- Unique identifier for the dialog
        title = 'Dialog Title', -- Title of the dialog
        enableCam = true, -- Optional: Enable custom camera
        cards = {
                title = 'Card Title 1', -- Title of the first card
                message = 'Description or message for the first card.', -- Message associated with the first card
                actionLabel = 'Action 1', -- Label for the action button
                actionCloseLabel = 'Close Action 1', -- Optional: Label for the close action button
                image = 'image_url_1', -- Optional: URL for the card's image
                onAction = function() -- Optional: Action callback
                    print('Action for Card 1 selected')
                onClose = function() -- Optional: Close action callback
                    print('Card 1 closed')
                title = 'Card Title 2', -- Title of the second card
                message = 'Description or message for the second card.', -- Message associated with the second card
                actionLabel = 'Action 2', -- Label for the action button
                actionCloseLabel = 'Close Action 2', -- Optional: Label for the close action button
                onAction = function() -- Optional: Action callback
                    print('Action for Card 2 selected')
                onClose = function() -- Optional: Close action callback
                    print('Card 2 closed')
            -- Add more cards as needed
RegisterCommand("openDialog", function()


  • The RegisterDialog function allows you to define cards with various options and messages.
  • Each card can have a selection function (onSelect) to handle the value selected by the user.
  • Dialogs can be used to collect information or simply to display messages to the user.


Use the CloseDialog function to close a specific dialog by its identifier.



dialogID: (string) Unique identifier for the dialog to be closed (optional).


Use the ShowDialog function to display a specific dialog by its identifier.



dialogID: Unique identifier for the dialog to be displayed (required).


Use the GetDialogState function to check if the dialog is currently open.


Return Value

state: (boolean) Returns true if the dialog is currently open, and false if it is closed.


Use the ForceCloseDialog function to forcefully close any open dialog.
