LGF Interaction
Exports Ped

Ped Istance


---@param data table


This function adds an interaction with an NPC in the game. It creates a ped (entity) at specified coordinates, associates it with an interaction.


  • data (table): A table that contains the interaction configuration, including position, actions, and any custom settings for the interaction.


local Ped = {
    { Position = vec4(41.1964, 6448.3623, 31.4144, 274.0062), Model = "a_f_m_fatcult_01", RequiredJob = false, },
    { Position = vec4(60.4139, 6434.2373, 31.2951, 231.5423), Model = "a_f_m_fatcult_01", RequiredJob = "police", }
for i = 1, #Ped do
    local data = Ped[i]
        Coords = data.Position,
        model = data.Model,
        pedID = i,
        dataBind = {
                title = "Talk to the Ped",
                icon = "fa-comments",
                description = "This is an interaction with the ped.",
                onClick = function(self)
                    exports.LGF_Interaction:removeInteractionPed(self.pedID, self.id)
                canInteract = function(distance, interactionid, myPed)
                    -- Check if a specific job is required to interact with the ped
                    -- If `RequiredJob` is false, anyone can interact with the ped
                    -- Otherwise, check if the player's job matches the `RequiredJob` for the ped
                    if data.RequiredJob == false then
                        return true  -- No job required, allow interaction
                    -- Check if player's job matches the ped's required job
                    -- Return true only if the player has the required job
                    return LGF.Core:GetJob() == data.RequiredJob
        distance = 10,
        closest = 5.0,
        debug = true,
        onEnter = function(self)
            Shared.debugData("DEBUG", self)
        onExit = function(self)
        nearby = function(self)


---@param pedID string|number The identifier of The ped
---@param interactionID string The InteractionID of the Zone
exports.LGF_Interaction:removeInteractionPed(pedID, interactionID)


This function is used to permanently remove both the Ped (pedestrian) and the associated interaction DUI from the game world.


  • pedID (string | number): The identifier of the Ped. This unique ID is used to reference and identify a specific Ped in the game world.
  • interactionID (string | number): The InteractionID of the zone or interaction associated with the Ped. This ID ties the Ped to the specific interaction, and removing the interaction ID will disable all related functionalities, such as interaction menus or actions tied to the Ped.


This function is typically used when you want to clean up or remove the Ped and interaction after they are no longer needed, or when the Ped should be removed due to game events (e.g., NPC leaving the scene, mission completion, etc.).


dataBind = {
        title = "Talk to the Ped",
        icon = "fa-comments",
        description = "This is an interaction with the ped.",
        onClick = function(self)
            -- Retrieve instance data from self
            -- Use self.pedID to get the Ped ID for the current interaction
            -- Use self.id to get the current Zone ID associated with the interaction
            exports.LGF_Interaction:removeInteractionPed(self.pedID, self.id)
        canInteract = function(distance, interactionid, myPed)
            -- Add your conditions for when the interaction is allowed
            return true  -- Example: Always allow interaction


---@param pedID string|number The identifier of The ped


This function removes the specified Ped (pedestrian) from the game world, using the provided pedID. Unlike removeInteractionPed, this function only removes the Ped entity itself and does not affect any associated interaction DUI or interaction zone.


  • pedID (string | number): The identifier of the Ped. This unique ID is used to reference and identify a specific Ped in the game world.


Use this function when you need to remove the visual presence or behavior of a Ped in the game world, but you want to keep the interaction DUI or zone associated with that Ped active. This can be useful in scenarios where:

  • You want the interaction to persist even after the Ped leaves.
  • The interaction zone might apply to different Peds or objects in the future.


dataBind = {
        title = "Remove Ped",
        icon = "fa-user-slash",
        description = "This action will remove the Ped without affecting the interaction zone.",
        onClick = function(self)
            -- Use self.pedID to get the Ped ID for the current interaction
        canInteract = function(distance, interactionid, myPed)
            -- Define interaction conditions here
            return true  -- Example: always return true for simplicity


---@return table|nil
  • pedArray (table): A table containing all the interaction peds that have been created through the addInteractionPed function.
    • ped: The ped entity itself.
    • position: A table containing the position (coordinates) of the ped.
    • model: The model of the ped (e.g., the specific character model).
    • interactionID: The unique interaction ID for the ped, which ties the ped to an interaction zone.


This function is particularly useful when you want to query all the active NPCs and perform operations such as removing them, updating their positions, or changing their behaviors based on the game’s current state.


local interactionPeds = exports.LGF_Interaction:getInteractionPeds()
for pedID, pedData in pairs(interactionPeds) do
    print(("Ped ID: %s"):format(pedID))
    print(("Ped Model: %s"):format(pedData.model))
    print(("Ped Position: %s, %s, %s"):format(pedData.position.x, pedData.position.y, pedData.position.z))