LGF Inventory
Client Exports

Client Exports

Get First Free Slot

  • Returns the first available free slot in the player inventory.
--- Get the first free slot in the player's inventory
-- @return number|nil The free slot number or nil if the inventory is full

Get Player Items

  • Returns the player's personal inventory safely.
--- Get the player's personal inventory
-- @return Item[] The player's inventory

Get Item From Slot

  • Retrieves an item from a specified slot in the player's inventory.
--- Get an item from the specified slot
-- @param slot number The slot number to retrieve the item from
-- @return Item|nil The item found, or nil if it doesn't exist

Get Inventory Wheigh

  • Calculates the total weight of the player's inventory.
--- Calculate the total weight of the player's inventory
-- @return number The total weight of the inventory

Get Money Count

  • This function retrieves the total money count of a player based on a specified type of money (e.g., "money", "black_money", etc.).
--- Retrieves the money count of a player based on the type of money.
-- @param type string Type of money ("money", "black_money", etc.)
-- @return number Returns the amount of the specified money type the player has in their inventory
local moneyCount = exports.LGF_Inventory:getMoneyCount(type)

Has Item

  • Checks if the player's inventory contains at least the given quantity of the specified item.
--- Check if the player's inventory contains at least the given quantity of the specified item
-- @param itemName string The name of the item to check (case-insensitive)
-- @param quantity number The required quantity
-- @return boolean hasItem True if the item exists in at least the given quantity, false otherwise
-- @return number itemCount The actual quantity of the item found
local hasItem, itemCount =  exports.LGF_Inventory:hasItem(itemName, quantity)

Is Slot Occupied

  • Checks if a specific slot in the player's inventory is occupied.
--- Check if a specific slot is occupied
-- @param slot number The slot number to check
-- @return boolean True if the slot is occupied, false otherwise

Close Inventory

  • Closes the player's inventory.
--- Close the player's inventory

Set Wheel State

  • Sets the state of the weapon wheel of gta (enabled or disabled).
--- Set the state of the weapon wheel (enabled or disabled)
-- @param enabled boolean If true, the weapon wheel is enabled, otherwise it is disabled

Disarm Weapon

  • Disarms the currently equipped weapon.
--- Disarm the currently equipped weapon

Get Wheel State

  • Returns the current state of the weapon wheel (enabled or disabled).
--- Get the current state of the weapon wheel (enabled or disabled)
-- @return boolean True if the weapon wheel is enabled, false if it is disabled

Is Carry Weapon

  • Checks if the player is currently carrying a weapon.
--- Check if the player is currently carrying a weapon
-- @return table Returns the current state of carried weapons

Is Inventory Open

  • Returns whether the player's inventory is open or not.
--- Check if the player's inventory is currently open
-- @return boolean True if the inventory is open, false otherwise

Get Weapon Data

  • This function retrieves the data for a weapon equipped, including its attributes such as durability, ammo count, rarity, description, and more.
--- Retrieve the data of a weapon item from the inventory
-- @return table weaponData Returns a table containing the weapon data
-- Example structure:
-- {
--    durability: number,
--    stackable: boolean,
--    closeOnUse: boolean,
--    metadata: {
--        CurrentAmmo: number,
--        Durability: number,
--        Serial: string
--    },
--    itemRarity: string,
--    itemLabel: string,
--    itemName: string,
--    throwItem: boolean,
--    itemWeight: number,
--    itemType: string,
--    slot: number,
--    description: string,
--    typeAmmo: string,
--    quantity: number
-- }

Open Shop

  • Open a shop Registered Server side by the ID
--- Opens the shop inventory with the given shopId
-- @param shopId number The ID of the shop to open

Open Crafting

  • Open a crafting Registered Server side by the ID
--- Opens the crafting inventory with the given craftingId
-- @param craftingId number The ID of the crafting menu to open

Open Temp Stash

  • Open a temporany Stash Registered Server side by the ID
--- Opens the stash inventory with the given stashId
-- @param stashId number The ID of the stash menu to open