LGF Inventory
Create Items

#Creating New Items

  • This guide explains how to create new items for your game by defining their attributes in the shared/items.lua file. Each item is represented as a table with various fields to determine its properties, behavior, and interactions within the game.

Structure of an Item

  • Each item is represented by a table with the following fields:
---@class Item
---@field slot number
---@field itemWeight number
---@field quantity number
---@field itemName string
---@field itemLabel? string
---@field itemType? string
---@field itemRarity? string
---@field description? string
---@field closeOnUse? boolean
---@field metadata? table
---@field durability? number
---@field usable? boolean
---@field throwItem? boolean
---@field onUse? fun(item: Item): void
---@field exports? { client?: { resourceName: string, exportName: string }, server?: { resourceName: string, exportName: string } }

Fields for Defining Items

Here’s what each field represents when defining an item:

  • itemName (string):
    The unique identifier for the item. This is how the item is referenced in the code.

  • itemLabel (string):
    The display name of the item visible to players.

  • itemType (string):
    Defines the type of item. The valid types are:

    • "item": Standard consumables or materials.
    • "weapon": Weapons that players can use.
    • "ammo": Ammunition for weapons.
  • itemRarity (string):
    Specifies how rare the item is. Common values include:

    • "common"
    • "uncommon"
    • "rare"
    • "epic"
    • "legendary"
  • description (string):
    A brief description of the item, explaining its use or properties.

  • stackable (boolean):
    Whether the item can be stacked in the inventory. Relevant for consumables, materials, or items that are used in large quantities.

  • itemWeight (number):
    The weight of the item, affecting inventory management and carrying capacity.

  • quantity (number):
    The number of items of this type in the inventory (relevant for stackable items).

  • closeOnUse (boolean):
    Whether the item UI will close when the item is used (typically set to true for consumables).

  • durability (number):
    The durability of items that wear down over time, such as weapons or tools.

  • usable (boolean):
    If true, the item is removed on use.

  • throwItem (boolean):
    If true, the item is a throwable item, such as grenades or Molotov cocktails.

  • onUse (function):
    A function that is executed when the item is used (e.g., healing, applying a buff, etc.).

  • typeAmmo (string):
    The type of ammunition the weapon uses (used for weapons). This links the weapon to specific ammo types, like "ammo-rifle2".

  • metadata (table):
    Contains additional data specific to the item. This might include serial numbers or other dynamic attributes.

    • componentId (number):
      Used for clothing and accessories to define which part of the player's body the item is attached to (e.g., head, pants).
    • maleDrawableId (number):
      Used in clothing items to define the drawable model for male characters (e.g., pants, hats).
    • femaleDrawableId (number):
      Used in clothing items to define the drawable model for female characters.
  • exports (table):
    Specifies any exported functions or resources that are shared between client and server, such as custom actions triggered by using the item.

    • client (table): Contains resource names and export names for client-side exports.
      • resourceName (string): Defines the resource name for client-side exports.
      • exportName (string): Defines the export name for client-side exports.
    • server (table): Contains resource names and export names for server-side exports.
      • resourceName (string): Defines the resource name for server-side exports.
      • exportName (string): Defines the export name for server-side exports.

Example Item

    ["apple"] = {
        itemLabel = "Apple",
        itemWeight = 0.2,
        itemType = "item",
        stackable = true,
        itemRarity = "common",
        description = "A fresh apple that restores a small amount of hunger.",
        closeOnUse = true,
        exports = { client = { resourceName = "LGF_Inventory", exportName = "eatApple" } }
-- Call the Client export like
exports("eatApple", function(data)
    if data then
        print(json.encode(data, { indent = true }))