#Creating New Items
- This guide explains how to create new items for your game by defining their attributes in the shared/items.lua file. Each item is represented as a table with various fields to determine its properties, behavior, and interactions within the game.
Structure of an Item
- Each item is represented by a table with the following fields:
---@class Item
---@field slot number
---@field itemWeight number
---@field quantity number
---@field itemName string
---@field itemLabel? string
---@field itemType? string
---@field itemRarity? string
---@field description? string
---@field closeOnUse? boolean
---@field metadata? table
---@field durability? number
---@field usable? boolean
---@field throwItem? boolean
---@field onUse? fun(item: Item): void
---@field exports? { client?: { resourceName: string, exportName: string }, server?: { resourceName: string, exportName: string } }
Fields for Defining Items
Here’s what each field represents when defining an item:
The unique identifier for the item. This is how the item is referenced in the code. -
The display name of the item visible to players. -
Defines the type of item. The valid types are:"item"
: Standard consumables or materials."weapon"
: Weapons that players can use."ammo"
: Ammunition for weapons.
Specifies how rare the item is. Common values include:"common"
A brief description of the item, explaining its use or properties. -
Whether the item can be stacked in the inventory. Relevant for consumables, materials, or items that are used in large quantities. -
The weight of the item, affecting inventory management and carrying capacity. -
The number of items of this type in the inventory (relevant for stackable items). -
Whether the item UI will close when the item is used (typically set to true for consumables). -
The durability of items that wear down over time, such as weapons or tools. -
If true, the item is removed on use. -
If true, the item is a throwable item, such as grenades or Molotov cocktails. -
A function that is executed when the item is used (e.g., healing, applying a buff, etc.). -
The type of ammunition the weapon uses (used for weapons). This links the weapon to specific ammo types, like"ammo-rifle2"
. -
Contains additional data specific to the item. This might include serial numbers or other dynamic attributes.componentId
Used for clothing and accessories to define which part of the player's body the item is attached to (e.g., head, pants).maleDrawableId
Used in clothing items to define the drawable model for male characters (e.g., pants, hats).femaleDrawableId
Used in clothing items to define the drawable model for female characters.
Specifies any exported functions or resources that are shared between client and server, such as custom actions triggered by using the item.client
(table): Contains resource names and export names for client-side exports.resourceName
(string): Defines the resource name for client-side exports.exportName
(string): Defines the export name for client-side exports.
(table): Contains resource names and export names for server-side exports.resourceName
(string): Defines the resource name for server-side exports.exportName
(string): Defines the export name for server-side exports.
Example Item
["apple"] = {
itemLabel = "Apple",
itemWeight = 0.2,
itemType = "item",
stackable = true,
itemRarity = "common",
description = "A fresh apple that restores a small amount of hunger.",
closeOnUse = true,
exports = { client = { resourceName = "LGF_Inventory", exportName = "eatApple" } }
-- Call the Client export like
exports("eatApple", function(data)
if data then
print(json.encode(data, { indent = true }))