LGF Utility
Raycast Class

Raycast Class

The LGF.RaycastHandler module provides methods for performing raycasts and identifying nearby players. These functions are useful for interacting with the game environment and selecting entities or players.


Note: Each interaction involving the raycast requires a loop with a 0 Thickness, to ensure continuous updates and responsiveness within the game environment.


  • This function conducts a raycast originating from the player's current position, projecting in the direction the player is facing. It determines if the ray intersects with any entities within a specified maximum distance, allowing for interactions with the game environment.
---@param maxDistance number The maximum distance to which the ray should extend.
---@param drawMarker boolean Whether to draw a marker at the hit location.
---@param drawLine boolean Whether to draw a line to the hit location.
---@return boolean hit Whether the ray hit an entity.
---@return entity entity The entity that was hit, if any.
---@return table hitCoordinates The coordinates of the hit point {x, y, z}.
---@return table surfaceNormal The normal of the surface at the hit point {x, y, z}.
LGF.RaycastHandler:performRaycast(maxDistance, drawMarker, drawLine)

Example Usage

    while true do
        Wait(0) -- Required (0 thick)
        -- Perform a raycast with a maximum distance of 50 units
        local hit, entityHit, hitcoords, surfaceNormal = LGF.RaycastHandler:performRaycast(50.0, true, true)
        if hit then
            print("Hit Entity:", entityHit)
            print("Hit Coordinates:", hitcoords)
            print("Surface Normal:", surfaceNormal)
            print("No entity hit. Coordinates of raycast destination:", hitcoords)


  • This function locates the nearest player within a defined radius. If the raycast successfully hits the targeted player, a visual marker is displayed above their head, facilitating easy identification and interaction with that player in the game world.
---@param distanceMax number The maximum distance to search for players.
---@param markerType number The type of marker to draw above the targeted player's head.
---@param drawLine boolean Whether to draw a line to the targeted player.
---@return table|nil coordinates The coordinates of the targeted player {x, y, z}, or nil if no player is found.
---@return entity|nil closestPlayer The entity of the closest player, or nil if no player is found.
---@return number|nil playerId The server ID of the targeted player, or nil if no player is found.
LGF.RaycastHandler:performTargetPlayer(distanceMax,markerType, drawLine)

Example Usage

    while true do
        Wait(0) -- Required (0 thick)
         -- Perform targeting of the closest player within a maximum distance of 20 units
        local coords, entity, playerId = LGF.RaycastHandler:performTargetPlayer(20.0, 2, true)
        if coords then
            print("Targeted Player ID:", playerId)
            print("Coordinates of Targeted Player:", coords)
            print("Entity of Targeted Player:", entity)
            print("No player within range.")