Raycast Class
The LGF.RaycastHandler
module provides methods for performing raycasts and identifying nearby players. These functions are useful for interacting with the game environment and selecting entities or players.
Note: Each interaction involving the raycast requires a loop with a 0 Thickness, to ensure continuous updates and responsiveness within the game environment.
- This function conducts a
originating from the player's currentposition
, projecting in the direction the player isfacing
. It determines if the ray intersects with anyentities
within a specifiedmaximum distance
, allowing for interactions with the gameenvironment
---@param maxDistance number The maximum distance to which the ray should extend.
---@param drawMarker boolean Whether to draw a marker at the hit location.
---@param drawLine boolean Whether to draw a line to the hit location.
---@return boolean hit Whether the ray hit an entity.
---@return entity entity The entity that was hit, if any.
---@return table hitCoordinates The coordinates of the hit point {x, y, z}.
---@return table surfaceNormal The normal of the surface at the hit point {x, y, z}.
LGF.RaycastHandler:performRaycast(maxDistance, drawMarker, drawLine)
Example Usage
while true do
Wait(0) -- Required (0 thick)
-- Perform a raycast with a maximum distance of 50 units
local hit, entityHit, hitcoords, surfaceNormal = LGF.RaycastHandler:performRaycast(50.0, true, true)
if hit then
print("Hit Entity:", entityHit)
print("Hit Coordinates:", hitcoords)
print("Surface Normal:", surfaceNormal)
print("No entity hit. Coordinates of raycast destination:", hitcoords)
- This function locates the
nearest player
within a definedradius
. If the raycast successfully hits the targeted player, avisual marker
is displayed above theirhead
, facilitating easyidentification
with that player in the gameworld
---@param distanceMax number The maximum distance to search for players.
---@param markerType number The type of marker to draw above the targeted player's head.
---@param drawLine boolean Whether to draw a line to the targeted player.
---@return table|nil coordinates The coordinates of the targeted player {x, y, z}, or nil if no player is found.
---@return entity|nil closestPlayer The entity of the closest player, or nil if no player is found.
---@return number|nil playerId The server ID of the targeted player, or nil if no player is found.
LGF.RaycastHandler:performTargetPlayer(distanceMax,markerType, drawLine)
Example Usage
while true do
Wait(0) -- Required (0 thick)
-- Perform targeting of the closest player within a maximum distance of 20 units
local coords, entity, playerId = LGF.RaycastHandler:performTargetPlayer(20.0, 2, true)
if coords then
print("Targeted Player ID:", playerId)
print("Coordinates of Targeted Player:", coords)
print("Entity of Targeted Player:", entity)
print("No player within range.")