LGF Interaction
Common Functions

Interaction Void



Relative to the dataBind structure: The canInteract function can only be used within the dataBind structure. This is because it is part of the definition of each interactive item (such as a button or menu option) displayed in the interaction system.

---@param canInteract (func: void)
---@return number distance
---@return string interactionid
---@return entity myPed
canInteract = function(distance, interactionid, myPed)
  • Triggered: When a Player try to interact with a Item.
  • distance (number): Specifies the distance from the player to the interaction distance. This value can be used to restrict interaction within a certain radius.
  • interactionid (string): Unique identifier for the interaction, allowing for specific actions or zones to be accessed conditionally.
  • myPed (entity): Represents the player’s pedestrian entity



Relative to the dataBind structure: The onClick function is used exclusively within the dataBind structure. It defines the behavior or action that occurs when a player interacts with a specific item in the interaction menu (e.g., clicking a button).

---@param onClick - (func: void)
---@return self - InteractionInstance
onClick = function(self)
  • Triggered: When player Click an Item.
  • func: A function to be executed when entering the interaction zone.
  • self: Returns the current interaction instance.


---@param onEnter  (func: void)
---@return InteractionInstance
onEnter = function(self)
  • Triggered: When entering the interaction zone.
  • func: A function to be executed when entering the interaction zone.
  • self: Returns the current interaction instance.


---@param onExit (func: void)
---@return InteractionInstance
onExit = function(self)
  • Triggered: When exiting the interaction zone..
  • func: A function to be executed when exiting the interaction zone.
  • self: Returns the current interaction instance.


---@param onExit (func: void)
---@return InteractionInstance
nearby = function(self)
  • Triggered: While in the interaction zone.
  • func: A function to be executed while in the interaction zone.
  • self: Returns the current interaction instance.