LGF Inventory
Client Events

Client Events

Current Weapon Data

  • This event is triggered whenever a weapon is equipped or removed. It returns a table containing details about the currently equipped weapon, including its ammo count, weapon hash, and item details.
RegisterNetEvent("LGF_Inventory:weapon:CurrentWeapon", function(weaponData) end)

Expected Behavior:

  • If the weapon is currently equipped (i.e., in hand), the event will return the details of that weapon.
  • If the weapon is holstered (not in hand), the event will return an empty table.
    "currentAmmo": 0,
    "weaponHash": -1075685676,
    "itemData": {
        "description": "An upgraded semi-automatic pistol with enhanced accuracy and stopping power. Ideal for close to mid-range engagements.",
        "durability": 1.55,
        "itemLabel": "Pistol Mk2",
        "throwItem": false,
        "itemType": "weapon",
        "itemRarity": "rare",
        "itemWeight": 4.5,
        "closeOnUse": true,
        "metadata": {
            "Serial": "#Y08FTMYPFK",
            "CurrentAmmo": 0,
            "Durability": 86.9
        "slot": 2,
        "quantity": 1,
        "itemName": "WEAPON_PISTOL_MK2",
        "stackable": false,
        "typeAmmo": "ammo-9"

Is Ped Shooting

  • This event is triggered whenever the player is firing a weapon. It provides information about the current weapon being used, including its ammo count, the weapon's name, type of ammo used, and the serial number (if available).
RegisterNetEvent('LGF_Inventory:isPedShooting', function(itemLabel, ammoInWeapon, itemName, typeAmmo, serial)
    -- Event body, handles shooting logic


  • itemLabel: The display label of the weapon being used.
  • ammoInWeapon: The current amount of ammo in the weapon when it is fired.
  • itemName: The name of the weapon being used.
  • typeAmmo: The type of ammo the weapon uses (e.g., "ammo-9").
  • serial: The serial number of the weapon, if available.