LGF Utility
Ui Class

Progress Bar

Manage progress bars in your application using either client-side or server-side methods. This documentation outlines how to handle progress bars effectively.



Use the exports CreateProgressBar function to create a client-side progress bar:


The progressData table for both progress bars data should contain the following fields:

  • message: (string) The message displayed on the progress bar.
  • colorProgress: (string) The color of the progress bar (optional).
  • position: (string) The position of the progress bar (default is "center").
  • duration: (number) Duration of the progress in milliseconds (default is 5000).
  • transition: (string) Transition effect for the progress bar (default is "fade").
  • onFinish: (function) Callback function when the progress is finished (optional).
  • disableBind: (number or boolean) false or number to allows for manual disabling of the progress bar before it completes (optional).
  • disableKeyBind: (table) List of key binds to disable during progress (optional).

Example Usage

    message = "Loading...",
    colorProgress = "rgba(54, 156, 129, 0.381)",
    position = "center",
    duration = 5000,
    transition = "fade",
    onFinish = function() print("Progress finished!") end,
    disableBind = false,
    disableKeyBind = { 200, 201 }  -- Example key binds


Use the DisableProgressBar export to hide the progress bar:



Use the GetStateProgress export to check if the progress bar is currently open:


Return Value

  • state: (boolean) Returns true if the progress bar is currently open, and false if it is closed.