LGF Utility
Ui Class


The Interaction system allows developers to create instructional buttons and manage key bindings for user interactions. It provides a flexible way to present on-screen controls and customize their behavior for seamless in-game interaction.



Use the interactionButton function to display instructional buttons on the user interface.


Example Usage

    Visible = true,
    Controls = {
        { key = "A", indexKey = 34, label = "Action 1", description = "Press A for Action 1." },
        { key = "S", indexKey = 31, label = "Action 2", description = "Press S for Action 2." },
        { key = "D", indexKey = 9, label = "Action 3", description = "Press D for Action 3." },
        { key = "F", indexKey = 23, label = "Action 4", description = "Press F for Action 4." },
        { isMouse = true, key = "Left Click", indexKey = 69, label = "Place Object", description = "Use Left Click to place the object." }
    Schema = {
        Styles = {
            BackgroundColor     = "#1e1e1e",
            BackgroundBindColor = "#ff5722",
            FontColor           = "#ffffff",
            Position            = "bottom",
            Animation           = "slide-down",
    onBindPressed = function(keyBind)
        print("Pressed: " .. keyBind)
    onBindReleased = function(keyBind)
        print("Released: " .. keyBind)


  • Visible: (boolean)
    Indicates whether the instructional buttons should be visible on screen.

  • Controls: (table)
    A table containing a list of control objects. Each control object must include the following fields:

    • key: (string)
      The key or button to display on the screen (e.g., "A", "S", "Left Click").

    • indexKey: (number)
      The key index used by the system to recognize the control.

    • label: (string)
      The label associated with the control, describing the action (e.g., "Action 1", "Action 2").

    • description: (string) (optional)
      Additional description for the control that explains its function in more detail.

    • isMouse: (boolean) (optional)
      Set to true if the control represents a mouse action (e.g., "Left Click").

  • Schema: (table) (optional)
    Custom styling options for the instructional buttons, including:

    • Styles: (table)
      • BackgroundColor: (string) The background color of the instructional buttons.
      • BackgroundBindColor: (string) The background color of the key binding display.
      • FontColor: (string) The color of the text in the buttons.
      • Position: (string) Position of the instructional buttons on the screen ("bottom", "top", etc.).
      • Animation: (string) Animation style for the instructional buttons (e.g., "slide-down").
  • onBindPressed: (function)
    Callback function triggered when a key is pressed. It receives the keyBind as an argument.

  • onBindReleased: (function)
    Callback function triggered when a key is released. It receives the keyBind as an argument.


Use the CloseControlInstructional function to close the instructional button interface.



Use the GetStateInteraction function to check if the instructional buttons are currently open.

Use the getStateInteraction export to retrieve the current state.


Return Value

  • state: (boolean) Returns true if the instructional buttons are open, and false if they are closed.