Get Dependency
verifies whether a specific resource is loaded and if its version matches the required version. This function is essential for ensuring that dependencies are correctly managed and compatible in your application.
---@param resource_name string
---@param required_version string
---@return boolean, string
LGF:GetDependency(resourceName, version)
(string): The name of the resource whose status and version you want to check.required_version
(string): The version of the resource that is required for compatibility.
if the resource is running and the version matches the required version;false
: A message indicating the result. Iffalse
, the message explains why the dependency check failed.
To use LGF:GetDependency()
, call the function with the resource name and the required version. The returned boolean and message can be used to handle resource dependencies dynamically. Here’s how you might use it:
local LGF = exports['LGF_Utility']:UtilityData()
LGF:GetDependency("LGF_Utility", "1.2.3")
Ensure that the resource name and version are correctly specified to get accurate results.
This function is useful for managing dependencies and ensuring compatibility across different parts of your application.