LGF Placeable Props

LGF Placeable Props Server Exports


This export function retrieves the offset coordinates of an entity, based on the provided offsets in the X, Y, and Z directions. It is created specifically for use on the server side, as there is no native function available to obtain the offset coordinates of the player in the game world.

exports.LGF_PlaceableProps:getFrontCoords(entity, offX, offY, offZ)
  • entity (number)
    The entity (pedestrian, vehicle, or object) for which the front coordinates will be calculated. This must be a valid entity in the game world.

  • offX (number)
    The offset in the X-axis direction from the entity's position.

  • offY (number)
    The offset in the Y-axis direction from the entity's position.

  • offZ (number)
    The offset in the Z-axis direction from the entity's position.

The function returns returns the new coordinates of the entity with the specified offsets applied, in the form of a vector3 object.


This export function allows for the creation of a synced drop item in the game world. The drop item is synchronized across all clients and can be configured with various properties, such as item name, coordinates, metadata, and whether it is degradable.


Ensure that the ItemName is correctly configured in the modules/server/sv-items.lua file, otherwise the drop will not work properly

  • ItemName (string)
    The name of the item being dropped. This should match an item defined in the configuration file located at modules/server/sv-items.lua and in ox_inventory.

  • ItemLabel (string)
    A label or description for the item being dropped, which will be visible to players.

  • Coords (vector3)
    The coordinates where the drop will appear in the game world.

  • Metadata (table, optional)
    Additional metadata about the item, such as serial numbers or descriptions.

The function returns the InteractionID of the newly created drop, which is a unique identifier for the drop item.

How Creating a new Drop

In this example, we will create a synced drop using the createSyncedDrop function and then use getFrontCoords to calculate the position of the drop relative to a player. This can be useful for placing items in specific locations based on the player's position.

RegisterCommand("creaDrop", function(source)
    local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(source)
    -- Get the front coordinates of the player with an offset (e.g., 1 unit in front)
    local coords = exports.LGF_PlaceableProps:getFrontCoords(playerPed, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
    -- Create the synced drop at the specified coordinates
    local interactionID = exports.LGF_PlaceableProps:createSyncedDrop({
        ItemName = "water", -- Item name must be defined in `modules/server/sv-items.lua`
        ItemLabel = "Water",
        Coords = coords,
        Metadata = {},
    print(("New Drop Created with ID %s"):format(interactionID))


This export function is used to delete a previously created drop from the game world, based on the provided InteractionID. Optionally, it can also add an item to the player's inventory after deleting the drop.

  • InteractionID (string)
    The unique identifier for the drop item that you want to delete. This ID is returned when the drop is created and is necessary for targeting the drop to delete.

  • AddItem (table, optional)
    If specified, the function will add an item to the player's inventory after deleting the drop. This table should contain:

    • ItemName (string)
      The name of the item to be added. This should match an item defined in the configuration file (modules/server/sv-items.lua).

    • Quantity (number)
      The quantity of the item to be added to the player's inventory.

    • Target (number)
      The player’s ID to whom the item will be added.

    • Metadata (table, optional)
      Additional metadata for the item being added, such as serial numbers or descriptions.

The function returns a tuple consisting of:

  • success (boolean)
    Indicates whether the operation to delete the drop was successful. It will be true if the drop was deleted without errors, otherwise false.

  • message (string)
    A message providing additional information about the operation, such as success or failure reasons.


This export function retrieves information about a specific drop using the InteractionID.

  • InteractionID (string)
    The unique identifier for the drop item. This ID is assigned when the drop is created using the createSyncedDrop function.

The function returns the item data associated with the provided InteractionID in the form of a table containing the following fields:

  • ItemName (string)
    The name of the item being dropped.

  • ItemLabel (string)
    The label or description for the item being dropped.

  • ModelHash (number)
    The model hash of the item.

  • Coords (vector3)
    The coordinates where the drop is located.

  • Metadata (table)
    Any additional metadata associated with the item (e.g., serial numbers, description).

  • ItemType (string)
    The type of the item (e.g., consumable, usable).

  • IsInspectable (boolean)
    Whether the item can be inspected by players.

  • Degradable (boolean)
    Whether the item is degradable (i.e., will disappear after a certain time).

  • DegradeTime (table)
    The time parameters for degradation (if applicable).


The checkDegradeDrop function is used to check the degradation status of a dropped item, specifically whether the item has started degrading and how much time is left before it is removed from the game world.

  • InteractionID (string)
    The unique identifier for the drop item. This ID is assigned when the drop is created using the createSyncedDrop function.

The function returns A number representing the time remaining before the item is removed, in seconds.

  • If the item is configured to be degradable, the function checks if the degradation timer (DegradeStartTime) has already started.
  • If the timer has started, it calculates the elapsed time and how much time is left before the item is removed.
  • If the remaining time is 0 or less, the item has been degraded and removed.
RegisterCommand("checkDegrade", function(source, args)
    local InteractionID = args[1]
    local timeLeft = exports.LGF_PlaceableProps:checkDegradeDrop(InteractionID)
    if timeLeft then
        print(("Time left for degradation of drop '%s': %d seconds"):format(InteractionID, timeLeft))
        print(("No degradation process found for drop '%s'"):format(InteractionID))


The removeAllDrops function is used to remove all the dropped items from the game world. It will attempt to delete every drop in the Drops table and delete Persistently the Item for all client.


The function returns A boolean value indicating whether all drops were successfully removed.

  • boolean (string)
    A value indicating if the function is worked correctly.
RegisterCommand("removeAllDrops", function()
local success = exports.LGF_PlaceableProps:removeAllDrops()
    if success then
        print("All drops have been successfully removed.")
        print("No drops to remove.")